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Over the past 10 years, gender ideology has rapidly swept the nation, largely via hijacking the gay rights movement, and under the guise of kindness. Understandably, Democrats were quick to get on board. You’re likely here because you know gender ideology and the medicalization of children is in direct opposition to core liberal values: protecting vulnerable children and adults from harm; upholding the rights of women and girls to safety, dignity, and protection of their honors and achievements; holding as foundational the scientific method, including practicing evidence-based medical care; freedom of speech and thought. You know biological reality is immutable and that we cannot continue to throw gay, lesbian, and gender non-conforming/gender-distressed children under the wheels of this regressive, out of control, ideological bus.


We think so too. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and we’re Dems, or recently ex-Dems, or newly politically homeless former Dems, who still hold onto our liberal values but believe that our party has veered way off track.


We all share a common concern: our Democratic representatives, and many of our liberal family members, friends, neighbors, relatives, icons, and organizations are supporting and promoting a harmful ideology and shutting down necessary discourse on the topic of gender. Remaining incurious about the sudden rise in adolescent girls and boys seeking to escape from their bodies, the dangerous and disturbing realities of “gender-affirming care,” and the irrational elevation of gender identity over the biological reality of sex, is neither ethical nor sustainable.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions.



DIAG is an all-volunteer organization. We come from across the country, span a range of generations, and bring diverse skills and perspectives. We are parents, public health professionals, attorneys, teachers, policy experts, and others who care deeply about the welfare of those affected by gender ideology. Many of us are balancing family situations and jobs that require us to remain anonymous. Meet select members of our team:


Langdon Alger (pseudonym) is a millennial from the suburbs of Minneapolis. He studied classics and linguistics at a time when pronouns were still known to be a closed class. He then went on to become an EFL teacher, using cromulent words with agreed-upon meanings to embiggen the vocabulary of his noble students. His top voting issue has always been the environment because it’s an easy litmus test: never trust a science denier. Until very recently, Langdon’s activism was limited to making donations to MPR and simply remembering to vote. Then “The Witch Trials of JK Rowling” came along and peaked the living daylights out of him. He no longer donates to MPR but still believes this country needs sane, coherent Democrats. You don’t win friends with word salad.


Eliza B. (pseudonym) has always voted blue but currently finds herself politically homeless. She has spent her adult life working to protect the safety and rights of women and children, working as a teacher, child welfare researcher, political activist, and social worker. Over the last 20 years she founded and ran a small non profit, raised two kids, and started a small business. Currently she facilitates parent support groups, interviews parents around the country about their experiences with ROGD kids, and is one of many mothers who have lost children to gender ideology. She plans to continue telling the truth about the harms of gender medicine until all the children come home to their families and to themselves. You can read her PITT essays here and here.


UB (pseudonym) is a litigator who has devoted her career to fighting for progressive causes. As a lesbian, she opposes gender medicine because it's a scam that targets gay kids, among other victims. UB uses her legal background to help DI-AG advance policies that protect children, sex-based rights, and free speech. She breaks down the shenanigans of the trans rights movement at Bad Facts. She wants to stop the lies.


C.C. (pseudonym) is a mom with children who have ventured down the "gender" rabbit hole and sucked her along with it. As a credentialed teacher with an M.A.Ed, C.C. is an intensely curious person. She has spent the last 10 years reading scientific studies, listening to long form podcasts, reading countless articles about the sex-trait modification industry, and monitoring the legislation that is stripping away the rights of parents, women and children. She is part of a growing network of parents working to expose the truth behind the biggest medical scandal in modern history.


Anne Elliot (pseudonym) holds an MPH in Epidemiology. Her lifelong interests in health in general, and iatrogenesis in particular, turn out to be a perfect match for the problems that "gender medicine" poses. As a bisexual woman concerned about the politics of sexual minorities, she was surprised to discover how the deep-pocketed interests of the T are often at odds with those of the LGB. She has also helped elect a number of Democrats.


Catherine Klein (pseudonym) is a GenZ lesbian software engineer and data geek. She supported gender medicine until she read dozens of studies and found the evidence base lacking. If anything, the evidence that gender medicine causes harm, especially to children, is far stronger than showing benefits. She dreams that one day, the gender issue will be non-partisan and evidence-based before more Democratic voters are alienated and more children are harmed.


Gigi LaRue (pseudonym) is a Democrat, pro-choice and pro-gay marriage. She currently volunteers as the West Coast intake coordinator for the international non-profit Our Duty. She has a BA in Psychology with a minor in Adolescents, Community & Education and is currently finishing her MA in Clinical Psychology with the hope of offering support to families of trans-identified and formerly trans-identified children and young adults. She has a "PhD" in Gender Studies from the University of Life and is dedicated to spreading awareness about the emergent medical scandal that is euphemistically called “Gender Affirming Care.” Her skills include connecting like-minded people, outreach, and organizing events.


C.M. (pseudonym) works in policy analysis and legislative affairs, after having started his career in Democratic campaigns and consulting firms in 2012 in field, finance, and communications. He has worked in a number of different states, but now resides in his home state of Massachusetts and works in state politics. He has a BA in philosophy and a Master’s in public policy.


Jenny Poyer Ackerman is the mother of a trans-identifying daughter and writes TransMuted on Substack. She contributed a chapter on ROGD to the book “Women’s Rights: Gender Wrongs,” published by Women’s Declaration International in 2023.


Jocelyn Davis is an internationally known author and speaker and the former head of R&D for a global leadership development consultancy. Her previous business books include Strategic Speed, The Greats on Leadership, The Art of Quiet Influence, and Insubordinate: 12 New Archetypes for Women Who Lead. Her historical novel, The Age of Kali, has been called “brilliant,” “heretical,” and “deeply moving.” Up next is a memoir, Ticket to Madland, which will be out on November 19th, 2024. Jocelyn holds master’s degrees in philosophy and Eastern classics. She grew up in a foreign-service family living in many regions of the world, including Southeast Asia, East Africa, and the Caribbean. Currently she lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Visit her website at


Judith Roland (pseudonym) is a lifetime liberal, Democratic voter, and devotee of the scientific method who recently retired from 23 years working in environmental and transportation planning for a California city. She has watched the Democratic Party with increasing dismay and alarm as they have abandoned science when it comes to “gender” and is working with DIAG to help wake her party up before their unempirical and anti-woman stance causes them to lose elections.


Ellie Swimmer (pseudonym), a life-long Democratic voter — and a daughter of yellow-dog Dems, was dragged into this nightmare by her child who, like so many others, fell into gender identity ideology during the COVID lockdown. After waiting in vain for the cavalry to come, Ellie realized in horror that the cavalry was largely parents like her and she began fighting to end this while watching the clock tick for her son. Specializing in public health communications and design, she brings the skills necessary to take complex scientific concepts and make them accessible and compelling to lay audiences in order to promote health-protective behaviors. Now a politically homeless liberal, she is dedicated to developing evidence-based messaging that’s accurate and effective for helping people — including teens, parents, legislators, and others — understand the tremendous failure and scandal that is “gender medicine.” Ellie has written several articles for PITT, including this two-part essay (part 1 and part 2) about life for liberal Democrats living in the Upside-Down.


DIAG team member ML was born and brought up in India (the pseudonym is a reference to a Walter Mitty-like character on Indian television during the previous century - ML was a subscriber of the New Yorker as long as he can remember). ML came to the United States for a PhD and became an academic somehow. When his son decided to identify as a transgender lesbian woman at the age of 20 after getting rejected by (by his count) the eighth or ninth woman since high school, he decided to look into the research and found it hideously awful. Even supporters of medicalization fail to find any evidence that estrogen helps males, and there is a lot of evidence in the medical literature that points to emerging harm. ML’s days of supporting NPR and the ACLU are over, but he’s still fiercely liberal.


Martha Wexler spent her career as a radio journalist. With a master’s degree in Soviet Studies, she went to work as a producer, news writer and editor at the Voice of America — in the Russian service and English-language newsroom. Her next stop was NPR, where her first assignment was editor for Europe and the former Soviet Union. Over her 23 years at NPR, Martha edited the work of correspondents around the world, filled in as a reporter in Moscow and edited all the major news programs — Morning Edition, All Things Considered and Weekend Edition. Martha began to delve into the gender identity phenomenon after seeing abrupt changes in language, particularly in the media: pronouns that didn’t make sense, euphemisms and obfuscations. She had spent a career as an editor in vigorous debates over which words best convey reality in an objective, neutral way. Now, jargon created by advocacy organizations had become accepted usage without question. Martha’s lifetime interest in Soviet history made her especially sensitive to the sudden introduction of terms to promote an ideology, as well as intolerance for opposing points of view. Martha is now retired, the proud mother of two daughters. As the grandmother of three young grandchildren she is very concerned about gender ideology in schools. She hopes to help DIAG spread its reality check to major media organizations, to reach audiences that, for years now, have been served up a belief system as objective truth.


Tena Zara is a lawyer and mother of three. She is fighting for responsible medical treatment for all people who have gender dysphoria. Disturbed by the profit-driven, harmful medical treatments, she can't understand why Democrats, generally skeptical of BigPharma, are embracing this billion dollar gender industry without question. As a former sports writer and competitive athlete, she is also shocked that the Democrats, generally supportive of women's rights, are failing to protect women's rights and Title IX. She is a lifelong Democratic voter who will not vote for Democrats until this madness ends.


The hyphen represents the break between rational thought and ideologic capture. Just kidding. It’s because we couldn’t come up with the $5M some guy in Switzerland wanted for

DIAG is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to DIAG are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

© 2025 by Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender

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